Faster Time Outs for Leaving the App
People upset over bad coin flips rage quit the app and leave the other player waiting for several minutes before the app gives a win to the player still waiting. Two 80 second timers for a player who has turned off or disconnected from the app is way too long. Other mobile TCG are much faster in count downs and since the app knows the other player has left the timers should be shortened in those instances. Otherwise it’s abusive to the remaining player to have to wait for timers to expire or concede to someone who has purposely closed the app due to anger or being busy and needing to step away.
Yes, in vs player battles I also think only the 1st timer should be 80 seconds, after that it should decrease significantly… tbh it's not like your are losing a tournament or something… it's just a simple game no need for so long timers.
They should only keep the current long timers for the "friend" matches, because it's what is used for online tournaments.