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STOP Players from closing the app when they are about to lose

dcowing333 Member Posts: 6
First Comment

I was curious if anyone has figured out a way to not lose a match when the opponent is losing and is most likely going to lose, closes the app and as a result the match basically is frozen. when you go to refresh the app immediately it docs you 20 points. Has anyone else run into this problem?


  • Fox13096
    Fox13096 Member Posts: 35
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    I've had that problem too. It has never docked me points if I close it, but it is still annoying. It might make it possible for you to win, but you have to wait forever for your opponent to time out.

  • N4te2014
    N4te2014 Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    It is so stupid. TPCi can we get a fix on this

  • shibatku
    shibatku Member Posts: 1
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    So that's what they were trying to do. I wondered why it took forever and I won. 😆 They quit. Got it now.

  • cannory
    cannory Member Posts: 1
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    oh so THATS what happened haha. I thought the game just froze on its own. Only had it happen once, tho; thanks for being good sports everyone 😁

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    It's not due to a rage quit. It's the result of a glitch causing a desync which silently disconnected you from the server. If you just close the app, you lose the match.

  • Proczorism
    Proczorism Member Posts: 2
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    On a probably connected side note: what little I've seen on the phone app if screen goes black or is for some reason turned off even for just a second in some cases it seems to disconnect the person on the phone from the game. Some ip issue or desynchronization issue... disconnecting from a VPN does the same thing. IDK just annoying.