Please fix ranked. Make losses lose rank again.

There is no sense of accomplishment when you don't lose rank on loses and always gain rank on wins. You should also get more rank when you take all your prize cards and take all their benched pokemon at the same time.
I disagree,
losing point makes the game more toxic and when you lose due to a game bug it becomes disheartening.Maybe the upper ranks of ladder should have a point loss system or a leader board based on ELO.
That would be cool or even points towards worlds at the end of season for the top 32 players.
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TCG Live runs on spit & tape, and if anything this is a godsend of a bandaid to a bigger issue. I would definitely agree with you if the game actually functioned properly with minimal glitches, but that's unfortunately not the case. I would estimate that at least 3/8 of my total losses were from the game glitching out or crashing.
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No, not with the state of the game as it is
There are moments where the game breaks…you go to play a card and the game just refuses…or you get disconnected…or you get RNGed to oblivion
Taking a loss and losing a rank due to that stuff ruins the game for many players, there have been times where I simply gave up on ladder because of how busted the game is right now
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You got a good point regarding the losses due to the high amout bugs indeed.
So I can give you that, but if the game was bug free this thing it's not even close of what a Ranked Ladder should be…
A Ranked Ladder shouldn't be about playing a lot and losing a lot more then you win and still easily be at the top tier Rank...
This current Ladder it's nothing about skill… it should be renamed to simply "Ladder", because the Rank part of it means absolutely nothing.
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Make losses gain points because this is Pokemon FFS. 😂
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Assuming a functioning game where losses due to bugs are minimal (which is what we should strive for, don't design a system to compensate for bugs. Fix the bugs) I think losses should result in a loss of rank.
If you are guaranteed never to lose rank and only gain it, then it is theoretically possible for even the worst player with a poorly constructed deck to eventually fluke enough wins to get into higher tiers. There is no risk and nothing on the line.
I don't think how you win should affect the reward. A win is a win, a loss is a loss. Forcing players to knock out all of the opponents Pokémon, take all prize cards or whatever other win condition you choose to reward will needlessly prolong games. And the losing player using the surrender option becomes a punishment for the winning player, when it should just be an option to quickly admit defeat and move on to the next match.
Perhaps the answer is multiple ladders. A competitive ladder, which simply adds a flat reward for a win and deducts ranking for a loss, a casual ladder which gives points for winning but does not penalise losses, and a free matchmaking ladder that simply pairs you with anyone and does not assign rank.
One system is never going to satisfy every type of player.
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Shouldn't the incentive be to get people playing more games? If a Ranked Ladder doesn't excessively punish people for losing games against extremely powerful decks, when they might be new and not have much of a collection or experience, then that is surely only a good thing?
Also, not hurting people so much for trying new deck ideas out, instead of being forced to use a handful of decks so that you don't get steamrolled for losing is another thing that is positive, I should think. You still lose ranking points in Master league, and my clefairy jank list comes unstuck a little bit there. I think the system is very good for new players, such as myself.
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If a new player with a poor made deck it's able to relativly easily get to the top of a Ranked Ladder the rank means absolutely nothing...
Now should there be other game modes thinking about new/casual players with rewards and a progression system (better than the Casual mode)? Sure… and that mode could be this current ladder, but calling this a serious Rank Laddder it's nonesence...
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As a new player, it is already extremely annoying to essentially be railroaded into a small sect of meta decks and grind in order to build up any semblance of a usable collection.
I’d probably play casual if I could get matches, but I think the majority of players like me are only playing ranked to eke out rewards when they don’t have the capacity/desire to buy physical product to get digital cards.You already get zero points for losing a ranked match, so what is losing rank doing for weak players other than making you look better? Making me want to be the very best like no one ever was? Nah.
One solution would be to give the rank rewards each time you cross the threshold (concession would yield no movement).That could keep me in the game and attempting rank. I’m currently in mid Ultra and seem to be evened out.
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im curious, what type of glitching are you experiencing? i downloaded the game maybe 2 weeks ago and had one update for it. personally i have experienced any glitches or games crashing but thats just my experience. im sure there are a lot more variables for peoples connection to the game then im considering.
Thanks :)