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Best deck 2

The best deck? It’s a tough choice! I would actually nominate the following:

Mewdevior ex (mewtwo ex & gardevior, credits @clasingla)

How it works: Gardevior’s ability gives one more psychic energy to Mewtwo ex, to boost power blast (120 attack points) while Gardy is on the bench. Must evolve from Ralts-Kirlia to unlock ability.

Muk & Weezing

How it works: Weezing uses its ability to poison the opposition’s active card, then Muk’s Venoshock deals 70 extra damage (it deals 40 damage when the opposite card is not poisoned).

Muk must evolve from Grimer, and Weezing must evolve from Koffing.

(Also good counter for mewdevoir ex)

Moltres ex & Centiscorch

How it works: Moltres ex needs one Fire energy to charge up its first attack, which is handy if you are going second. Its first attack makes you flip four coins to attach energy to any way you like on your bench.

Centiscorch needs to evolve first, but Fire Blast deals 130 damage points and removes one Fire energy from the Pokémon.

Gyarados & Misty (Trainer Card)

How it works: Gyarados requires 4 Water energy to use Hyper Beam, so using Misty makes you flip an infinite amount of coins until you land on tails and attach your amount of energy to the ratio of successful coin flips.

Hope this helps <3


  • puplover1118
    puplover1118 Member Posts: 531 ✭✭✭
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    Charizard ex & Mortres ex is almost certainly better that Centiskorch & Moltres ex.

    Starmie ex & Articuno ex is also one of, if not the best water deck, definitely compared to Gyarados (they both can take advantage of Misty).

    Pikachu ex decks are quicker to build up early-game, but they do struggle in the late-game.

    However, the deck that is most likely to be the best, and certainly is the most popular, is Mewtwo ex & Gardevoir.

  • Uncleruckus270
    Uncleruckus270 Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    I just get tired of seeing all the Mewtwo, gardevior decks. Almost as much as the Charizard and Mortres decks. At least try and make something your own or expericment in deck building. I was wrecking today with a colorless deck i built for fun and i took down both the mewtwo and charizard decks.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    In my case the deck I face more are the Pikachu decks, but overall I find diverse opponent decks.

    Btw I don't play in the beginner mode, maybe that's relevant probably in beginners mode they mostly play the decks people say are the best… but don't forget that most of the times the best (top) decks are referring to play in online tournaments (for instance they take the top placements in TCG Pocket limitless online tournaments), doesn't mean those are the best to play the casual vs players in-game (the goal is not the same).