Fezandipiti ex and Fossil Item - Counts as Pokemon?

Had an interesting question we couldn't work out at a recent local.
An Antique Root Fossil notes that "Play this card as if it were a 60-HP Basic [NORMAL] Pokemon" . There was confusion in relation to if when a Fossil Item is Knocked out on the Bench, would Fezandipiti ex's "Flip the Script" ability be triggerable? The specific confusion was related to Fezandipiti triggers on a Pokemon being KO'd, and Fossil says "as if it were a Pokemon", reasoning being that it's not technically a Pokemon but an item.
The Ability on the Fossil reads like it should be considered a Pokemon, but the reasonable argument that it doesn't officially say it's a Pokemon makes sense too. Would like clarification to make sure no issues occur.
I think you take prizes for knocking out a fossil pokemon (please correct me if this is incorrect) so then it follows that you should be able to use Fezandipiti ex's ability if one was knocked out. I'm not sure if this is correct.
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Fossil Pokemon items give a prize card on defeat, it's just that the with the wording of fossil items the big determination is does its Knockout register as a Pokemon? Confusion here is that while acting "as if" it were a Pokemon it will give prizes on defeat, but if Fez can recognize that it also knocks out as a Pokemon that'll be nice to clarify.
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Yeah. I have the same question about rare candy. Can you use rare candy on a fossil card, evolving it into a stage two pokemon? Same premises of the question. If I play it like a pokemon, does that mean it is a pokemon? I don't know the answers to these questions but I would like to.
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The answer to both questions is Yes. Prizes can only be collected for knocking out Pokemon, (no matter how many you get for doing so- whether Togekiss or Briar add to the #) so if the condition of getting a prize card happens, Fez activates. On Antique Roots, it is an Item until it is played, whereupon it is then considered a Pokemon. That means you can’t use Nest Ball or Ultra Ball to get Antique Root Fossils, but you can use Arven to get them. Once in play, they’re a Pokemon for all uses- including both Fez if they are KO’d and Rare Candy!