Scarlet and Violet coming, is PTCGL ready?

I'm so excited for the new gen 9 set to come out! I recently returned to TCG after years not having played it. I'm hooked again and excited to play more every day. BUT, let's be honest a minute, right? PTCGL is not ready for Scarlet and Violet and the potential influx of new players. So here are some big and small improvements that'll make the gameplay much more enjoyable.
1. The most obvious problem is of course the game bugs/crashes. It's not ok because, for those of us who only play TCG online, we can't even play the game properly and get punished in the ladder for the game crashing. Beyond ladder though, not being able to finish a game even in casual is absolutely ludicrous. It's not fun and it's infuriating.
2. Let our deck boxes and coins be shown on the game mat. We pay either with real or in game currency to obtain specific deck boxes, sleeves, and coins. But the mat only displays our sleeves. It would be nice to show our sets as well as see those of our opponent.
3. If we win a game by collecting our last prize card(s), why do we have to manually click on the prize card(s)? It should be automatic, streamlining the gameplay.
4. The game speed needs to be balanced. Cards just flash before our eyes and disappear before being able to even see what the opponent played, discarded, or drew. The speed needs to properly display the cards being played without slowing to a crawl when making an action.
5. Fan out all cards. Don't stack cards on top of one another. It's exciting to draw a Full Art from the deck, but then it gets stuck behind a regular card instead of having its own space to display the card.
6. When card effects are activated, the card pans to the left to click an option, then pans to the right to choose other cards, then jolts back to the left to execute the effect. Why so much movement back and forth? Seeing the cards transfer from left to right to left doesn't make the game more alive and exciting, speacial effects do.
7. Which brings me to my last point: the game board. I love seeing the effects when a Pokémon gets played down. Why is the game board so plain in its neutral state? There are so many Stadium cards being used in almost every deck. Why not change the game mat to something inspired by the Stadium card in play? Or even just straight up using the same artwork. It would give the board a more attractive and exciting feel.
There may be some things missing, but these are the things I can think of at the moment. Please consider making these changes. I've seen many online expressing the same frustrations and wishes. Thank you.
so you are saying I should never migrate my acct. until I am forced because, I'm sorry, Live is broken?
Season 1 player. 10 years worth of codes, keep in mind, whatever I purchased its x2 for my sons acct.
Why would I give up Online? I have close to 5k individual cards 19k duplicates and hundreds of unopened digital packs (almost all Purchased). After trading away hundreds of Premium cards and unopened packs to my newphews.
I'm in the process of making accts for al nephews so I can trade them my duplicates before They "claim" them all. when the forced migration happens.
The trade removal Is about greed. only way I can see it.
TPC needs to just suck it up, and either do one of thre things from all the bad feedback.
- possibly buy the code for pctg online
- BUY Dire entirely.
- Crawl back to DIre, pay for ui refresh (maybe, better functioning marketplace would be nice) then shut up and cash checks. Life is going to get hard for the corporate world real soon.
I would rather play on a 12 year old game that functions properly and looks dated, than step into that current trap.
This just may be my first post.