Deck Question

I'm a huge koffing/weezing fan and want to build a deck around them. I'm a new player and the deck building kind of gets overwhelming to me but it's fun at the same time. Am I able to play standard with weezing or will I have to play expanded. If anyone has any deck lists I could play off of or card recommendations that'd be amazing. I'm looking for a deck that plays off of poison counters instead of attack damage. Thanks in advance!
I believe you only have to play expanded when you're playing in the expanded battle tier which is not ranked as far as I know or at least for me atm. If you organize your cards based on energy it helps to build decks also keep in mind some cards may be of one energy but use another for attacks like a special mewtwo does. Also you can use any normal type pokemon in any deck that you build as they use any energies for moves etc. Also make sure you have enough trainer cards because they become important in battle but not too many tho. It's hard to find the right balance of pokemon, trainers, and energy but you'll get there just move things around until you like it and it works well for you. You can practice in unranked battles too. Hope this helps and good luck!