First time checking out new tcg live since migration, and what happened? omg..
This is just a shell of itself now.. why cant you save packs? why do they have to be opened right away now? where is the trading? auctions? that was my favorite part and only thing that had constant activity and just got rid of it and no chance to save my old packs just opened them? i mean who honestly thought this was a good switchover with like 30 percent of what it used to be and now even worst gameplay? financial cuts even when they are banking on most stuff selling out these days? this is crazy.. but yea keep throwing those live cards in the packs like its something special still.. how about rewards for real packs etc.. this is just sad.. was me and my sons fav thing to do and we both were just blown away how horrible this got.. will be back if trading and auction house returns at least.. sheesh what a disappointment…
Yes, the game now it's basically a bugged TCG Standard format simulator.