What are the common deck strategies

right now I’m currently using a custom mewdevoir deck and had pretty mixed results in Tcg difficulty I played a few this morning and won both matches so far I think my win rate is 3/5
I don't think there is really a meta right now it just came out yesterday
But I use ether a merowac ex or zapdos multres deck
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The top 4 meta decks not in specific order are:
-Pikachu ex/+lighting friends (one of the fastest decks, but really needs a full bench to work properly),
-Mewtwo ex/Gardevoir (great synergy, the only down side is if Gardevoir takes too long to setup),
-Starmie ex/Articuno ex (another fast deck, if Misty works it's basically game over even against Pikachu),
-Charizard ex/Moltres ex (strongest attack, one hit KO any Pokemon, great synergy, the only down side is if it takes too long to setup… might be too late)
Then you have some very good ones too:
-Venusaur ex (once setup it's a beast, combined with Erika the healing it's insane, its biggest threat it's Charizard ex tho),
-Draginite (this could be the best deck if had energy acceleration, still very strong once is setup),
-Marowak ex (luck based but it's a good counter to Pikachu, easy to build for beginners),
-18 trainers Articuno ex (may look like a meme deck, but if lucky with Misty can beat any deck, especially good for beginners - easy to build)
There are other good decks sure but are less consistent and may have a hard time against specific top decks.1 -
I just threw some of my best cards together to make a random deck (its hard to make a 20 card deck) and Im doing pretty good so far
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i've encountered most of those decks and have a pretty easy time against most of them using Mewtwo ex and Gardevoir and you did point out the greatest problem that I have with my deck it takes a while to set up and if I can't set up in time It makes it harder to win but once I got a good setup I can usually sweep the opponents pokemon
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There is an established meta already, the game was released globally yesterday but people have been playing the soft launch "in New Zealand" for a while… that's why you probably saw players with level 30ish and huge amout of high rarity cards.
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Oh ok
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tech on two fossils, they essentially have free retreat to protect against Sabrina stalling.
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Yes very nice, Mewtwo ex/Gardevoir it's one of my favorite decks, the synergy it's great, but it's balanced in the sence that you need to manually evolve a stage 2 to work properly, that "drawback" makes the deck balanced.
I really like how balanced the meta is now, every deck has someting to push it back from beeing broken, that's really good, they did a good joob keeping the strongest cards balanced. There isn't a deck you can say it's the absolute best, I hope it continues this way.
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I've used that tactic before, but it's kind of risky if the opponent is able to KO the fossil still gets 1 match point. Also it's only 40 HP and uses a spot of other important cards, in some decks that actually works fine but not all, I wouldn't use that tactic in all decks for sure.
My preferred tech card it's the "Red card" going 1st or use it in a specific combination it's a really decent disrupting card if played wisely, I would say it's a card for more advanced players and fossil it's more for a beginner (but sure it can be great on specific decks).