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Feedback from on/off-player since release

Just wanted to share some thoughts about what bothers me as a player that loves the game but only have phases with longer and longer growing pauses inbetween.

  • Switch Menu Performance
    HOW is this performance so horrible? Just as a direct example: I tried scrolling down the huge list of featured events and needed 25 button presses (or rather joycon down.. pushes? english is not my first language, not sure xD) for, if I counted correctly, 15 different tabs. And this was not super fast spamming but at a rate that would perfectly fine for other switch games. It gets more visible, when some players already can select a lane and everything while you hope for your first input to recognize. This does not happen TOO often, but it definitely happens.
  • TiMi business practices
    So one of the main reasons I keep getting frustrated with the game are the business practices that get apparent when checking out the menu options. The game wants to be a competetive MOBA title but partially feels like a mobile cash grab app, just listing some examples:
    - "Daily Events"-tab starts (ok, started, since the weekly login bonus rn) with 2 tabs that are ONLY advertisements for any kind of real life money spending
    - Battle Pass.. most games ensure that you can finance Battle Passes by completely finishing the previous pass - next to skins and stuff. Unite on the other hand does not give any Aeos Gems at all. They even increased the price, just like that. But I get it, inflation and stuff. :^)
    - Gacha everywhere. I'm kinda fine with the emblems, since I feel like they don't have too much impact and at least can be gained pretty quickly. But permanent red dots and "look at this" for treasure chests (tbh, did not check those out yet but ig it's gacha?) and the really delusional Prize Machine, that is just gambling on how much you have to spend for a skin.
    - I feel like I get more motivation to stop playing for a few weeks followed by grabbing the returning player rewards when I want to get more Pokémon thanks to the limit of coins. OOOOOR I could of course pay gems for those, nice.
  • TONS of events. In addition to the lovely menu performance, there are so many events that just feel the same. Collect some items, get advertisement for a new skin which you definitely won't get if you don't pay some gems. Gachapon for some more items,… Maneuvering through all these and checking out what you can get right now gets kinda annoying. I spent 5-10 minutes just checking out the featured events and understanding what's worth doing and what not.
  • Bots. Easy to say: If I wanna play against/with bots, I play bot games. If I play ranked, I want to play against and with real people and am willing to wait longer for that. Idk when I played against real players the last time, since all the "welcome back" rewards are already finished by the time the game throws me in with real players again. If I want to stomp bots for a few games, I can also play Ring Fit Adventure and show these weird fitness bots who's boss xD

TL;DR: I really have no big issues with the game itself. Yes, ranked system needs a kind of revamp, roll calling should be possible before etc. - But I can't be the only one that has more than enough issues with everything going outside of the actual game, right?