Plans to fix matchmaking?

Right now the game is EXTREMELY Pay To Win. Being there is only 1 way to farm levels, being WINNING battles against real players. And to do this we are given 2 options, beginner and TCG Player; both of which have no rules.
So what happens? People who spend $400 go on YouTube to find the strongest decks and go into Beginner Matchmaking and destroy everyone they come across. Leaving literally no were for Free to Play players a place to just enjoy the game with their weaker decks.
How to fix: First let’s address XP, lets give players who lose a little, but only if they DO NOT concede. If you Concede you forfeit your loss XP. This can help you still gain levels if you lose a lot, but also make the game more fun for winners getting to see their decks play through.
Next let’s fix the matchmaking by adding new rules and types.
Casual - No EX Pokemon, 14 Pokemon card per deck minimum, No duplicate Pokemon cards. (Having decks with no duplicates or EX will make the game slow paced and more calm. Reminiscent to actual Pokemon battles, each time you play here is guaranteed to feel different)
Beginner - 2 EX Pokemon max (none duplicate). 12 Pokemom card minimum. (This mode limiting your EX to only 2 and different ones, allows people to get comfortable with EX power while still having lots of normal Pokemon in the battle. 12 Pokemon minimum allows people to be safe from decks that always start the same EX legendaries)
And Lastly lets change the name of TCG Player, as it sounds like a “pro” mode and scares people from playing there.
Standard Mode - Here is your base game, NO RULES!! Just like you have it now, everyone here can play anything they want! Speed misty Articuno that wins on turn 1! Cool, META Tournament level decks playing against silly meme decks. A true mosh pit of fun.
XP for each mode:
Casual- winning 5xp, losing 2xp (no-concede)
Beginner-winning 15xp, losing 7xp (no-concede)
Standard- winning 30xp, losing 10xp (no concede)
having them at different amounts directs people looking to grind levels to standard, and letting those who want less “try hards” or maybe someone with weaker decks to still feel like they have a safe place to play.
I love this game a lot already, I just wish I wasn’t forced to play against tournament level decks when I can barely make a deck of 1 type yet. And knowing they gain levels while I sit still, only makes the problems worse. I REALLY hope a dev sees this and adds it or some version of it in.
-Thanks for reading
They are working on a Ranked battle mode, I guess thats why the current battles are kind of useless even if you pay and win a lot all it gets you is leveling up slowly.
I absolutely think the battle system needs to change while waiting for the Ranked mode.
Even paying players don't like it either it's boring and no real reason to play vs other players (they already got "everything"). I'm a free player and already got most of the top decks, I can win easily if going 2nd (about 80% win rate), even going 1st it's about 50% win rate…
I see a lot of players giving up too easily many concede rigth after the coin flip lol because you don't win anything significant and if you lose you don't lose anything (just time).