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TCG Pocket match victory vs other players must have better prizes

DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭
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After playing a significant amount of games vs other players it starts to wear out, the prize for winning is way too low… 15 EXP it's not worth the trouble. That could actually be the consolation prize for losing not winning. I mean opening a pack that you get for free gives you 25 EXP without any effort.

One suggestion could be winning gives you 4 hourglasses, at least that would be a incentive to play so you could farm more packs indirectly, it could have a limit of like 3 of this special prizes per day so you had a reason to play (and win) at least 3 matches per day (3x4=12 those 12 hourglasses convert in a extra pack per day) it's not something insane to have 1 more pack to open per day (for 3 won matches). And the EXP should increse according with the player level (or it will take ages to level up after lets say 30's or 40's).

I know there is a Ranked mode in the works, but meanwhile this is a must change for the final release or players will eventually not care about playing the actual game vs other humans.


  • PRN-Joey
    PRN-Joey Member Posts: 17
    10 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic

    There is a ranked mode in the works? From the sources I've read there won't be any "Ranked" battles. I'm mostly focusing on the collection part which from I have read is the "Main" focus of the app. Battles are just there for entertainment.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,607 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited October 2024 #3

    The collecting part of the game is boring for now (after the initial days/weeks boost), but it may change upon the final release, what will make you come back to the game are the battles… at least for me, because then you will only need couple of minutes to open the 2 free packs per day and maybe a extra 3rd pack from 12 hourglasses… most of the time you will be battling other people for EXP to level up (after you get a decent deck of course).

    They said Ranked mode is in the works yes, but will not be avaiable (and there is no deadline date) for now.