Houndstone ex deck, I like to try and make other ex cards viable. Constructive criticism welcome

16 Pokémon:
4 Greavard PAF 3 Houndstone ex OBF 1 Houndstone PAF 043 2 Duskull SFA 2 Dusclops SFA
2 Dusknoir SFA 2 Mimikyu PAF
32 trainers:
4 ultra ball 3 switch 4 earthen vessel 4 buddy-buddy poffin
1 lost vacuum 1 heavy ball 1 great ball 1 super rod 2 bosses orders 2 explorers guidance
1 lacey 4 professors research 2 youngster 1 defiance band 1 deluxe bomb ACE SPEC
12 Energy: Psychic
The idea is to use Mimikyu as a guard in active and get at least 1 Houndstone ex on the board and trash the deck as fast as possible. Use Duskull line to do supplementary damage with curse blast, while powering up Houndstones last respects attack and make defiance band a viable tool early on. Perfect mixer is gonna replace the bomb later on but its useful for now for when I cant get Dusclops or Dusknoir on the board to do curse blast. Houndstone ex would be a very playable card if it was 20 damage per discarded psychic Pokémon instead of 10 damage (opinion). I actually had some moderate success so far just need some help fine tuning. Thank you.