Dude, can we do something about the flags..

Hey mods, I hope y'all are doing well. This is less of me asking all of you to work more and instead, this is a call for the people who flag people for absolutely no reason.
Is it really that hard to reason with the fact that the world doesn't revolve around you… Just because you don't agree with something someone said doesn't give you the right to falsely report some person's post. It makes more work for the mods who have to go through all the fake ones when there are actual reports that need taking care of. There are few reasons to report anyone, and if you do, at least make sure that you aren't making a mistake either. Reporting a comment for being a joke you don't get is just annoying. If you don't contribute to a community, then get out.
There.. Done with my rant, I shouldn't have to, but I applaud all the normal people who actually put the oxygen we have to good use…
even the best of us has many flags a majority of them really with no good reason that we couldn’t even understand why we got flagged flags don’t magically go away im pretty sure most of the active people on the forums have felt similarly at one point or another
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I think in your situation it's probably because you are over posting…
I mean your account has only 15 days and you got 249 posts lol that's kind of too much. People will see it as spam. I've been around here for like 2 years and in so few days you got like 1/3 of my posts already. It's better to post with quality instead of quantity.
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Something becoming the norm doesn't mean that it is acceptable or should be the norm.