Rough consistency with Zard/Pidgeot deck

Hey all :)
Ive been play testing the Charizard deck post stellar crown because i think Grand Tree could be a truly amazing turn 2 card in the deck. that being said, the deck still suffers alot with consistency. Its a rough world trying to get the combo pieces in hand to try and pop off. i get that the deck want to come back with a flourish but still. ugh. fustration. ill post my deck list. maybe yall can give me a little advice. maybe im missing something.
Thank yall. Love yall.
Pokémon: 14
3 Charmander MEW 4
1 Charmeleon MEW 5
1 Pidgey MEW 16
1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 92
1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6
1 Lumineon V BRS 40
1 Duskull BRS 60
1 Charmander OBF 26
3 Charizard ex PAF 234
1 Rotom V LOR 177
1 Radiant Charizard CRZ 20
2 Pidgeot ex OBF 164
1 Dusclops SFA 19
1 Dusknoir SFA 20
Trainer: 16
2 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
1 Professor Turo's Scenario PAR 257
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
3 Iono PAL 185
4 Arven SVI 166
1 Briar SCR 171
2 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
1 Rare Candy PAF 89 PH
1 Grand Tree SCR 136
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
2 Kofu SCR 138
4 Ultra Ball SVI 196
3 Rare Candy SVI 191
Energy: 1
5 Basic {R} Energy SVE 2
Total Cards: 60