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Strange extra prize bug? I need answers

I was playing charizard against a dragapult and my opponent had 3 prizes left, I had 2. They had taken out a pidgey with a dusclops and a charizard with 2 phantom dives, i had a zard that had lost 60 hp, a pidgeot that had lost 60 hp, and a full health rotom v. I had a prime catcher in my hand so i was gonna gust up their rotom to take my final 2 prizes next turn, but they bossed up mine to ko it with phantom dive. I assumed they were just trying to get an extra 2 prizes to get more rewards, but to my surprise after ko-ohing the rotom they took 3 prizes, not 2. Any suggestions to how? They had a devo equiped to their dragapult, but only the pidgey would have been killed by it and they would have been taking 1 prize. The stadium was the one that reduces the bench to 4 (can't remember what its called).

Best Answer

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 951 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    @1st_Indiot By your description the most likely reason they toke 3 prizes was by playing Briar, because Dragapult ex is a Tera Pokemon and you had exactly 2 prizes remaining.

    As the card text says:

    "You can use this card only if your opponent has exactly 2 Prize cards remaining.
    During this turn, if your opponent’s Active Pokémon is Knocked Out by damage from an attack used by your Tera Pokémon, take 1 more Prize card.


  • Jadite
    Jadite Member Posts: 384 ✭✭✭
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    Did they play briar? Or they might have used the 6 damage counters to knock something on your bench.

    Hope this helps!