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Flametix Member Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
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everyone is writing a story now so I got into it too, if you want to see something written you may as well write it yourself so here is my oneshot AZUMARILL SAGA. i think it's very epic.

The local Marill of Mt. Mortar were in unrest. Strange men and equipment were being moved through to Mahogany in the dark of night. The Marill family usually kept to themselves outside of human affairs, but the local Rattata, Machop, and Zubat had begun getting involved in this shady business, and the Marill weren't looking to be enlisted next. Everyone was on the case to investigate and do their part.

This is how Little Blue Marill found himself overseeing an interrogation of a Geodude for the past few minutes. It was like squeezing water from a stone and he didn't really want to be here for much longer. 

"Come on, we're just looking for information," he pleaded. "Just tell us anything and you're free to go. I want to leave as much as you."

"I will not, because I am not involved." The Geodude was stubborn in its silence, and usually the Marill would respect their boundaries in exchange for keeping the Zubat and Machop in check respectively. But this was the kind of job that needed eyes in the walls.

Little Blue sighed. "We know that, and we also know you've seen what's happening. What good is peace if you won't help us when a real threat comes around?"

The Geodude remained steadfast. "From my point of view, you are the greater threat to me in this moment with your water."

"Seriously? This isn't about petty fighting over territory, it's about the home we live in together." The Geodude were notoriously stubborn about the Marill's water expansions in the depths, and it seemed they held long grudges.

Fortunately, Little Blue was saved from his Sisyphean task thanks to a shout of pain echoing nearby.

"...Don't go anywhere, we aren't done yet. Actually, follow my lead and watch my back." Without waiting for an agreement, Little Blue made his way towards the sounds of combat, lurking in the shadows of the cavern walls.

Peeking behind a corner, he was faced with the grim sight of his brother, Round Roller, getting pummeled against a wall by a large purple Machop, laughing his head off. "Hahaha... this new power is limitless, you can't escape your fate. The Marill will no longer keep us down, their reign over the mountain is over!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do." Whether it was out of loyalty, bravery, or just wanting to find some excitement, something in his heart made Little Blue step into the field of battle at that moment.

Roller couldn't even turn to see Little Blue in his beaten state, but he could hear him. "Blue... you have to run. He's stronger… not pulling his punches at all… I can barely even think straight with this buzzing in my ears."

“I would recommend it,” advised the Geodude. Little Blue wasn’t in the mood for the backseating, since he was starting to hear an annoying sound too and he needed to focus.

The large Machop finally turned his attention to the new arrivals. “Ha! Who do you think you are? You’re even smaller than this fool, yet you think you stand a fighting chance against me, the revolutionary warrior who will take back Mt. Mortar? You’re better off falling in line with the other rats being put to work.”

“Honestly, I’d rather not be here at all. But if I don’t, who will?” Little Blue was starting to doubt his chances after seeing what he was up against face to face, but he could at least buy some time for the rest of the clan to run. If only that piercing sound could stop for a second…

All of a sudden, time seemed to slow down as he heard a voice inside his head.

One way or another, you have chosen to fight.

This inherited destiny may have been long forgotten in this time, but you cannot escape it.

There is no other way to survive.

As he stepped forward, Little Blue felt like he was growing taller, ears flopping for even greater clarity… and not much else happened. But he wasn’t so little anymore, and he could sense a huge power from inside that made him feel like he could take on anything. With a smirk, he decided to taunt his enemy. “Seems like it isn’t just How do you feel about fighting someone your own size?”

The Machop flinched at the new development. “Damn. We shouldn’t have let you get this close to the operation. But you won’t live to spill the beans.” Machop went in for a rushing blow, but Little Blue held his ground and stopped the charge by grabbing the fist with his arms. “That’s a lot of talk for someone who just left themself wide open.”

“Shut up!” Suddenly, the Machop began to sprout more arms out of his body and started to grapple Little Blue off the ground. But before he could be beaten down with a barrage of punches, another set of arms rose from behind to intercept them.

“...Looks like we have the same type of power. Makes it more even.” The Geodude had snuck up behind the Machop, holding his arms and legs now with two more arms.

“Thanks for the save. Now, let’s play rough.” Little Blue dove head-first into the Machop, bringing up a cloud of dust that they were all obscured in. After the kerfuffle cleared up, Little Blue and the Geodude were left standing, with a new mutual respect. As Little Blue stepped away to check on his brother, he could feel the power inside him whispering once more as he wondered just what they had all gotten into.

Take heart, young warrior… the power of Azumarill now guides your fate.
