Pokémon TCG deck favorite

Member Posts: 414 ✭✭✭
ANDI'm starting to make my Pokémon TCG decks, and my favorites are: Ampharos Deck, Ninetales Deck, Miraidon Deck and Ancient Deck
Regidrago VStar deck for now!
I really like to copy attacks 😁 it reminds me of the Tag Team Mewtwo & Mew GX deck… I used to really like it.
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Charizard rn, but I ordered the cards I need for Cinderace ex yesterday.
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At the moment I'm really enjoying the Zard/Pidgeot/Arceus/Bibarel/Dusclops thing that I came up with. (I know, that's a lot of pokemon.) I thought there was no way it was going to work, but it's actually pretty consistent. But I think once Stellar Crown releases I will really enjoy playing Terapagos ex. Also the Worlds finalist Roaring Moon list is pretty cool.