My PokéFamily from the 3DS titles.

I had been playing the Pokémon games such as Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, X and Y on the Nintendo 3DS systems and I feel like I had made myself a PokéFamily in Hoenn and Kalos, which are Grovyle, Blaziken, Swampert, Linoone, Zangoose, Manectric, Mightyena, Delcatty, Breloom, Swellow, Absol, Flygon, Salamence, Tropius, Bagon, Zigzagoon, Electrike, Poochyena, Skitty, Arcanine, Ninetales, Growlithe, Vulpix, Pikachu, Raichu, Meowth, Persian, Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Golduck, Sandslash, Marowak, Scyther, Arbok, Charizard, Charmeleon, Rattata, Raticate, Cubone, Sandshrew, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Nidorino, Nidorina, Electabuzz, Ampharos, Houndour, Sneasel, Houndoom, Weavile, Liepard, Zoroark, Purrloin, Zorua, Tyranitar, Larvitar, Kangskhan, Braixen, Greninja, Pangoro, Sylveon, Goodra, Noivern, Furfrou, Chesnaught, Chespin, Pancham, Heliolisk, Ursaring, Granbull, Staraptor, Lucario, Infernape, Luxray, Floatzel, Glameow, Lopunny, Gabite, Buizel, Shinx, Monferno, Riolu, Hippowdon, Rampardos, Cranidos, Shieldon, Skuntank, Sky Form Shaymin, Samurott, Dewott, Mienshao, Beartic, Scizor, Quilava, Typhlosion, Totodile, Feraligatr, Murkrow, Slowking, and more.
Man, that's quite a lot.😅