Version 1.17.0 - Patch Notes

Administrator Posts: 298 admin
Hello everyone.
The Pokémon TCG Live game client will be updated on August 20, 2024. The game will be offline starting at 8 AM PT(15:00 PM UTC) and is estimated to be down for 8 hours. Please see below for the list of changes:
- Dusclops (SFA #019): Fixed an issue where there was considerable delay between placing damage counters with the Cursed Blast Ability and Dusclops being Knocked Out.
- Regidrago VSTAR (SIT #136): Fixed an issue where the Legacy Star Ability could be used when there were no cards in the player’s deck.
- Farigiraf (TWM #084): Fixed an issue where the Eerie Wave attack did not make the opponent's Active Pokémon Confused if the Farigiraf using the attack was Confused.
- Unfair Stamp (TWM #165): Fixed an issue where Unfair Stamp could not be played if the player’s Pokémon was Knocked Out with an attached Handheld Fan (TWM #15), and the Handheld Fan's effect had been activated.
- Rescue Board (TEF #159): Fixed an issue where Jamming Tower (TWM #153) did not block the effect of a Rescue Board attached to a Pokémon with 30 HP remaining.
- Gardevoir ex (PAF #233): Fixed an issue on the mobile client where players could not discard Energy for actions after using the Psychic Embrace Ability.
- Ditto (PGO #053): Fixed an issue where the client could become unresponsive when bringing Ditto into play.
- Mismagius (UNB #78): Fixed an issue where the Mysterious Message Ability could be used when there were no cards in the player’s deck.
- Fixed an issue where the game visuals did not display correctly and the client sometimes became unresponsive when ending certain Abilities that moved Energy from one Pokémon to another.
- Updated URLs to lead to the proper website based on the selected language.
- Updated notifications when managing the friends list.