I need help on my deck

( im Sorry If i post This 3 times, none of my last posts randomly have disappeard to me )
So, I'm competing for a tournment this month, it's extended and I need some help on my deck, its an incineroar ex - skeledirge ex , wich doesn't sound that good, but it plays well.
I need help on what to switch add and remove on it , as it has over 70 cards I need help mostly to remove
Lemme give you the deck list:
3x litten ( 1x 24/149, 1x 20/181 , 1x 15/25)
1x torracat ( 25/149)
2x incineroar ex (187/162)
2x fuecoco (036/198)
1x crocalor (037/198)
1x skeledirge ex ( 037/193)
1x tepig , pignite and emboar ( they don't have a number on them, it's the mega Blastoise vs mega Charizard Ex card, the one with the family.)
1x trubbish (50/146)
1x garbodor (57/122)
1x victini V
1x bidoof ( 111/159 )
1x bibbarel ( 121/159)
4x nest ball
4x timer ball
4x rarr candy
3x professors letter
2 switch
1 pokegear
Pokémon tools
2x wish baton
2x muscle band
1x Forest Seal Stone
4x arven
3x jacq
2x lysandre ( does the same as Bosses orders )
2x Bosses orders
2x professors research
2x giant hearth
1x solar altar
1x magma basin
13 fire energy + 1 Double incolor energy
Skeledirge ex: the rapid attack, always placing fuecoco on active when I can, skeledirge is able to evolve and attack on my 2nd turn using rare candy, and as it has only 2 energy cost it's a great rapid attacker, but has the downside of loosing 10 damage each 10 damage counter on it, but it's able to disrupt slow acting decks, as well as sometimes miraidon ex decks.
Incineroar: the main attacker, like skeledirge its able to attack rapidly, with low energy cost in some scenarios, as its Hability lowers 1 colorless energy on its attack for each pokemon on opponents bench ( base cost is 5 energy, 1 fire 4 colorless, if opponent has 4 pokemon on bench or 5 it's attack cost is only 1 energy), sometimes this Hability ends up cancelled by garbodor's hability.
Emboar: an valuable support for the deck, as its allows me to link any amount of energy i want by turn, great combo with giant hearth, professors letter and magma basin.
Bibbarel: buy cards to help me get incineroar in game and other pokemon
Victini v : good attacker with rapid damage, great combo with emboar, but mostly only used for the forest Seal Stone.
Garbodor: a card that i need to defeat some type of decks, an example is Gardevoir ex, as it allows me to cancell all habilities in play once a tool card is attached to him, but this backfires on emboar and incineroar.
Even tho not good the deck won all battles it's fought but never saw competitive play, as I kinda just made it ( 2 weeks ago.)
I just got back to collecting and playing pokemon tcg, so I don't know what I don't need and what I need, for now I believe I only need 2 torracats 1 litten and more 1 incineroar.
I was thinking on adding ball guy as I play a lot with ball items here , but I won't add ultra ball as I don't like discarding, cuz I can't recover the cards i discard, and I most of the times will need all the cards, but I might add an quick ball, aside that i want to add to another magma basin
The deck has over 60 cards so I need to remove a ton of stuff , I need to know what so I can get it tournment legal and open space for new cards to enter too.
the 3-1-2 line is acceptable because of Rare Candy, most stage 2 decks use just one of the stage 1 because of this.