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Battle Pass feels like a scam

I usually do not buy the battle pass but since Charizard is my favourite Pokemon I could not resist and bought one. And what should I say? Boy I feel scammed. 🤬

Main reason for buying the BP was the outfit "Dark Lord Style" of Charizard. I even bought the Premium Version of the BP for almost 20 euros just to not miss out on the "additional" things you can get from it. The PLUS version just gives you a sticker and "Premium Missions".

After like 25 battles I finally reached the level of getting the outfit for Charizard, just to notice that the Attack modifiers are not part of the outfit. After paying almost 20 euro and playing 25 games I have to ADDITIONALLY GAMBLE to get the attack modifiers which I should get from buying the battle pass in the first place! 😡 (The game where you throw balls at items)
And thats not enough… The attack modifiers are split into TWO items. So I have to gamble TWICE to get that.

Each item has a score of 10. In the WORST case I score just "1" with each Pokeball I am throwing, so that I have to reduce the cooldown 8 times in total to get BOTH Attack modifiers. Each reduction costs again 120 GEMS which means I need 960 GEMS (8x120). This would cost another 20 Euros if i am not mistaken.

This is just a slap into the face for paying customers and is a disgusting practice. I will definitely do not buy any Battle Pass or other items anymore. This was the first and last time. I will keep the game "Free to play" for me.

I can understand, that the developers of the game need to make money but everything in this game is is too expensive and shady.
