Comfort Pokemon

It may seem a little strange to some what I want to talk about here, but for me it is very special and meaningful, which is about, comfort Pokémon, which is to say, that Pokémon that is very special to you, as if it were a pet Pokémon and a Pokémon that you always include in your Pokémon teams, that Pokémon that you love to find in games, animation and TCG, even the one that you want to have a plush of that Pokémon, that Pokémon that is your best friend, that's that Pokémon special for you, about my comfort Pokémon, mine are: Vulpix, Lapras, Bulbasaur, Oshawott, Fuecoco, Fennekin and Mareep, in this case they are some of them, and there are still some comfort Pokémon like Stoutland, Yamper, Skitty, Zorua, Munna, Piplup and Rowlet too, but really, comfort Pokémon for me is very special, and for you, what are your comfort Pokémon.
I have a life sized Vaporeon plush and he means a lot to me. So maybe Vaporeon.
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i think Meltan, Lapras or Fuecoco. They’re very special to me, for three different reasons:
Meltan because or cute little boi was shiny on the first day i catched them,
Lapras because from the begin it was my favorite (I WANT LAPRAS PLUSHIE!!!!),
And Fuecoco because i love singing and play in musicals in my country, and Fuecoco loves to sing.
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Delphox and Ogerpon.
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Eevee, Scorbunny, Glameow, Sprigatito, Popplio, Pikachu
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Actually maybe I’ll take that back. Shinx is adorable and I really like the thought of having one as a friend.