Anyone have a desire for a spin-off or sequel nobody really asked for?

something like a new Pokémon Pinball for example. Nobody as far as I know is asking for one but I really want one myself.
A new single player Pokémon TCG game.
Unfortunately this is just dismissed with "just play TCG Live, lol".
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I know everyone says this but a new Pokémon mystery dungeon would be fun but also I think it would be cool if they made new types of spinoffs. For example, a rhythm game with gameplay similar to rhythm heaven could be interesting.
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What if there was a Pokémon Visual Novel, kinda like that April Fools Sonic one?
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new Pokemon Battle Revolution with nostalgic twist from pokemon stadium.
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@MajorBrendan I would like another Pokémon Colosseum game, but at this point the main series games essentially fill the same niché, being 3D home console releases. It would be nice to return to that region and see some characters again, though.
We could include Stadium/Battle Revolution features in the package.
Alternatively Home could get an update to include a multiplayer battle mode that would facilitate battles using the full national dex.
@JuliusVercelli Why does it have to be an April fools joke? I think there are enough people invested in Pokémon's world, characters and story to do it unironically. The games, anime and manga prove that.
That might be stepping on Pokémon Masters toes a little too much, but I really hate gatcha. I'd like a more in depth visual novel where I don't have to grind dailies or pay money to unlock characters.
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@TheJeffers I did not say it was supposed to be an April fools joke, I was saying it could be a similar style as The M*rder of Sonic the Hedgehog, which was an April Fools game released last year.
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@JuliusVercelli Fair enough.
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@TheJeffers I did not say it was supposed to be an April fools joke, I was saying it could be a similar style as The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, which was an April Fools game released last year.