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Version - Patch Notes

TPCi_GarbageKing Administrator Posts: 151 admin
Third Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Agrees 25 LOLs
edited July 25 in News & Announcements #1

Update Date/Time

2024-7-25 at 07:00 UTC

Post-Update Version


Update Details

  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates

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Battle Updates



Unite Move: Rekindling Flame

  • Area where feathers fall when allies are KO'd: Increased from 25m radius to 35m radius from Ho-oh.
  • HP amount when allies are revived: Increased from 50% of max HP to 60% of max HP.
  • Adjustment of required Aeos Energy for reviving allies:
    • 1 Pokémon: 0-8 Aeos Energy
    • 2 Pokémon: 9-16 Aeos Energy
    • 3 Pokémon: 17-24 Aeos Energy
    • 4 Pokémon: 25-50 Aeos Energy
  • Required Unite Move gauge: Increased by 11%.

We believe that the ability to revive ally Pokémon is a unique and essential element of Ho-Oh's gameplay experience. However, through our daily observation of battle data, we found that the usage rate of Ho-Oh's Unite Move was significantly lower than expected. This low usage rate is likely due to an imbalance among the three constraints of this Unite Move: having KO'd allies near Ho-Oh, Ho-Oh having sufficient Aeos Energy, and a full Unite Move gauge.

We observed many instances where players had a full Unite Move gauge but rarely found opportunities to use it. To address this, we have adjusted the balance between these constraints to create more scenarios where the Unite Move can be effectively used.


We have fixed the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue where the attack boost duration of Ho-oh's Fly+ lasted longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Charmander's Ember did not increase movement speed.
  • Fixed an issue where some moves, such as Trevenant's Wood Hammer and Talonflame's Unite move, would overshoot the target.
  • Fixed an issue where some grab moves, such as Mamoswine's Ice Fang and Buzzwole's Leech Life, ended earlier than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where the duration of the hindrance effects caused by some moves was shortened after the July 16th update.
  • Fixed an issue where Chandelure during its Unite move could be seen by burned opponents.
  • Fixed an issue where damage numbers were displayed when attacking an opponent in bushes.
  • Fixed an issue where the time for Sableye to re-enter stealth after attacking was longer than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where stealth opponents could be visible under certain circumstances.