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Bug Falinks

Beat Up it has very high health restoration


  • Tarlisson
    Tarlisson Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    fter the new patch Shadow Flame, a bug appeared in Falinks that is causing it to recover HP excessively, becoming immortal.

  • TristPristine
    TristPristine Member Posts: 5
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Comment First Anniversary

    Not just falinks. There's so many bugs just from this patch alone not including WoodHammer on trevenant's second activation no longer stunning, zard's ult ignoring literally everything including scoring animation, and a few more game breaking bugs.

    I don't even know if anyone's reading this but please, look into it. It's unite anniversary so atleast give us a patch that doesn't include broken mons that aren't even EXs for once.