I just had the best/worst luck ever. I was casually chilling in a match. Oh nice I have a type advantage. Then. WHAAAAT!?!?! I had a full hand of energys. So I had to take a mulligan. 101 mulligans later… Wait 101!?!?!?!?!?!? And I ended up with the perfect hand and then they pull the radiant Venusaur on me and got me almost every status effect but I kept getting heads and doing 320 400 and 480. Then I had one more Pokémon to knock out. Confusion and poison finished me. True story and I even have a screenshot to prove it.
It said permission problem
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is there a way to bypass this?
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@bnsftrx7gaming yes, do a web search for "free image host", choose one of those that offer free service and upload your screenshot there, then you can copy the generated link to here.
Btw what kind of deck your are using to get 101 mulligans?
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I am using a luck/risk deck with 1 Charcadet 1 Armorouge Ex and 58 fire energy also my next comment will be the link
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No wonder that many mulligans 😅 a troll deck haha
Whats your win rate with that deck?
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I would say as a rough estimate 27%
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I have had 12 matches and won 4
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I have much better decks