Why Powerhouse?

I know that "pseudo-legendary" is a fan-made term, but assuming "powerhouse" is the official term, isn't it too vague? I mean, don't me wrong, "powerhouse" means something powerful, and if anything can be powerful, nothing would be. And some folks see strength as but a mere illusion. Like, with a word with connotations as vague and subjective, what is the minimum amount of power necessary in order to be known as a "powerhouse"?
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
Regards, spectrum5
they change terms to make them make less sense a bunch like Turning starters to first partner Pokémon (most people still call them starters) they literally changed the catchy gotta catch ‘em all catchphrase to a generic less hype train on which most people forget also I never heard people call pseudos powerhouses so yeah that’s all I got