should these happen and what would you call the remakes

Pokemon Gen 2 Pokemon Crystal remake, and Pokemon Gen 3 Emerald remake?
My idea even tho people despise let's go games
Pokemon Crystal remakes:
Let's Go Marill and Let's Go Let's go Togepi
Pokemon Emerald remakes:
Lets Go Torchic and Let's Go Treecko.
But if they got remakes what would your all's ideas be?
let's go togepi doesn't make much sense, togepi is part of the plot and not a starter, and marill is not a baby so you can't put it as a parallel starter in the same place as togepi
emerald they could do lets go plusle AND minun instead of skipping mudkip
but i think let's go just doesn't work without pikachu and eevee so you could just put those in again and it would sell about the same
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I doubt they will return to the Let's Go formula, to be honest. I think they wanted to cash in during the Pokémon Go boom, and Kanto made sense because a lot of the players were genwunners. I do not know if Go still has enough cultural sway or there would be enough interest to support another Let's Go.
Speaking of genwunners, we might be due another visit to Kanto. I think a 3D remake of Red and Blue proper would break their brains, but I don't trust TPC /GF not to pull another BDSP and/or slap a mandatory exp. share in the game.
In a perfect world, I would love to see a gen 5 remake, in the hopes that the best games in the series would be given a chance to redeem themselves of having the worst sales in the series for a paired first version. Ideally I would love a HD 2D game.
But I think it would have to be 3D, because "3D = MOAR BETTERER" in the minds of most of the public, and GF would insist on adding mandatory exp. share, shift battle style and tutorials up to the eyeballs, because children have smartphones, you see.
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@TheJeffers you forgot to say them removing half the features
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There are so many potential problems and pitfalls. If I list them all every time, my posts will be even longer.