Javar: The Lore of the Terror King

I want to talk about how Tsaravage was originated. One time, me, and one of my friends had some love for Pokémon, so we tried making our own region. He said he sent it to Game Freak, but they turned it down for many reasons. One, we copyrighted from many games, especially popular ones. Two, my art designs for Dark type Pokémon were too violent and unholy for a Pokémon game, especially because we wanted it to be T-rated. There may be other reasons, but it would be too boring. One day I tried to make a male version of the Bounsweet evolution line, it starts as Grass/Ghost types, but the last one was Grass/Dark type. The original name for it was Menasteen, but I didn't want it to be in a game yet. I wanted a fan made Pokémon region using a different country, so I chose Indonesia. I eventually wanted a Pseudo-legendary Pokémon. So I made and redesigned the Beasteen evolution line. But, I switched the last name for Tsaravage. It was a complete Grass/Dark type evolution line. I eventually learned the requirements for a Pseudo-legendary Pokémon. One, have a 600 base stat total on the last evolution. Second, the last evolution must evolve on level 50 or higher. Three, it must NOT evolve with an evolution item. So, I got to work. Beasteen is a Pokémon found in caves, forests, and graveyards only at night. On level 30, it evolves into Malisteen. On level 69 (this is not a joke), it learns Giga Impact, and evolves into Tsaravage. It's abilities are Infiltrator, Hail to the King, and Cursed Body. Hail to the King is Tsaravage's signature ability. It makes all of Tsaravage's moves super effective against royal Pokémon such as Golisopod, Aegislash, Slowking, Politoed, and especially Tsareena. Beasteen and Malisteen's second abilities were an ability called Bloodthirsty, an ability that drastically boosts all of its' stats when hit by a critical hit. End of story. BTW, every like on this comment equals a vote on when I should make Part 4 of my main story!☺️