opinion on greninja ex froslass deck

hey, I don't do many discussions but I am hoping that someone will give some feedback.
I saw the froslass/greninja deck and I wanted to try merging the two versions of the deck, pidgeot and froslass, heres the list:
1 Frogadier OBF
2 Froslass
1 Cleffa
3 Greninja ex
2 Pidgey
2 Froakie OBF 2 Froakie TWM
2 Snorunt
2 Pidgeot ex
2 Munkidori
1 Professor Turo's Scenario
1 Lost Vacuum
2 Super Rod
1 Technical Machine: Devolution
1 Counter Catcher
2 Iono
2 Earthen Vessel
2 Irida ASR
3 Ultra Ball
4 Rare Candy
2 Professor's Research
1 Unfair Stamp
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
2 Arven
1 Rescue Board
1 Artazon
1 Boss's Orders
2 Basic D Energy
5 Basic W Energy
3 Double Turbo Energy
It looks like you're using Irida and Arven to set up your board and hand, then Greninja ex and Pidgeot ex are your actives with a Rescue Board to switch them (?), while Froslass shrouds from your bench and Munkidori cleans your damage onto your opponents. The rest of your cards are search, hand refresh, and defense, disruptive or otherwise.
I wonder if swapping the Pidgeot ex series out for Hisuian Braviary or Hisuian Arcanine series (both Stage 1, zero energy, make use of shroud damage) would make things move faster, but I assume you chose Pidgeot ex because you like it.
It might not be your target format, but if it's for casual play, I prefer:
Professor's Letter over Earthen Vessel
Gust of Wind over Counter Catcher and Boss's OrdersRoseanne's Backup is slower than Super Rod, but covers more types of cards; it may be good in addition. I might swap out Unfair Stamp or Lost Vacuum to fit it, but that depends on what you have trouble with in play.
Have you tried this deck out yet, in proxy form or otherwise? Decks look different in motion.
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Also, Lana's Aid is a supporter Super Rod that adds to your hand instead of deck, in case. Either is fine.
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thanks for your opinion, I am probably just going to use this for the standard format and I have used it a bit in tcg live but it is hard to find good opponents there, so I think I might print some proxies based on your feedback and go to a local to play it.
I did not think of using Lana's aid or Rosanne's backup, but I agree that they cover more ground. I am not entirely sure which would be more helpful, probably one copy of Super Rod and one Lana's aid to cover the ex's.
I think that one of the biggest weaknesses in this deck is the single rescue board, which makes it very susceptible to Snorlax stall, so I am considering running Kieran and/or switches