Which starter did you choose?

I'd like to know peoples starter choices through the generations. Mine are as follows:
Kanto: Charmander (overrated but I love the design.)
Johto: Totodile (Feraligatr is soo cool.)
Hoenn: Treecko (Torchic and Mudkip are tied for a close second.)
Sinnoh: Turtwig (Torterra was the only Pokémon on my Pearl team who could defeat Cynthia's Milotic, which had been wiping out the rest of my team.)
Unova: Snivy (no disrespect to Oshawott or Tepig, but Snivy is the obvious correct choice. Need I say more?)
Kalos: Froakie (Slightly overrated, but I think water shuriken is one of the coolest signature moves.)
Alola: Rowlet (My Decidueye OHKO'd Ultra Necrozma with spirit shackle.)
Galar: Sobble (I have really bad anxiety issues so I can relate.)
Paldea: Fuecoco (I disliked Quaxly and Sprigatito.)
squirtle all are overrated I like squirtle best
Chikorita easily seen by profile pick
Mudkip like it
Piplup it’s a penguin I love penguins that’s why I also like eiscue
Oshawott it’s an otter I love otters
Chespin I just like it
Popplio my favorite alola starters have constantly changed first it was litten then incineroar happened then rowlet then I saw the episode of Brionne making balloons fell in love and now popplios my favorite
Scorbunny the galar starters are all pretty similar to me kinda of mid
And my favorite of them all SPRIGATITO!!!!!!!!
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Kanto: Bulbasaur (technically I chose it in Kalos, and I played Let's Go Eevee for my Kanto adventure, so maybe Eevee)
Johto (and Hisui): Cyndaquil (VC Crystal)
Hoenn: Treecko (Alpha Sapphire)
Sinnoh: Turtwig (Brilliant Diamond. I chose it because I had a team idea, but after I did, I realized the idea didn't quite work as I wanted. At least I got an excuse to use Houndoom on a team.)
Unova: Oshawott (White)
Kalos: Froakie (and technically Bulbasaur. This was in X)
Alola: Litten (Sun and, later, Ultra Sun)
Galar: Grookey (Sword)
Paldea: Sprigatito (Scarlet)
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I am showing every starter I chose through every Pokemon game I played.
Kanto: Squirtle, Charmander is overrated.
Sinnoh: Piplup, Again fire starter is overrated.
Hoenn: Muskip is the best
Galar: Scorebuny, Cute and overpowered.
Paldea: Sprigatito, I have a cat of my own, and it’s cute, final stage evolution is overpowered.
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I said cinderace instead of scorbunny, my bad.
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Kanto: I planned to pick Charmander. I got Pokémon Red when it came out and Charizard looked so good on the box. But I actually ended up picking Squirtle. I liked the one with sunglasses in the anime and I thought the sprite was cuter in the game.
I picked Charmander in FRLG, though. These days for most playthroughs I pick Bulbasaur.
Johto: Cindaquil. One of my favourites.
Hoenn: I think I picked Torchic first time. I think I shamefully picked Mudkip for the meme in one playthrough.
Sinnoh: First time I picked Chimchar. Later playthroughs I fell in love with Turtwig.
Unova: Snivy. I loved its design.
Kalos: The grass one. I don't remember its name.
Alola: Rowlet. I love him.
Galar: I didn't particularly like any of them, especially their evolutions. I liked Scorbunny, but boxed it immediately.
Paldea: Fuecoco. I liked the other two, but not their bipedal evolutions.
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For a change in how I choose (I normally choose by last form) based solely on there first form
Kanto: Charmander
Johto: Totodile
Hoenn: Treecko
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Sinnoh: Piplup
Unova: Snivy
Kalos: Froakie
Alola: Popplio
Galar: Sobble (Sadly, I really dislike its last form)
Paldea: Sprigatito
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Bulbasaur is the MVP
Cynadquil, love the cyndaquil line so much
Treecko cause lizard. And also my first Pokémon card pack I bought ever I got a rainbow sceptile ex.(also I own 2 geckos in real life)
Turtwig because turtle(I love reptiles incase you haven’t noticed)
Snivy, though I love oshawott too
Froakie’s whole line is awesome.
Litten, easily, love the cute cat, love torrocat, and incineroar is cool too. Not a huge fan of the other two at all.
Cinderace, cute fire bunny.
Fuecoco, a crocodile, love reptiles, love fire types, really cute, crocalor is a meh middle stage but skeledirge is SO COOL.
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Mudkip lookit his face!!!
Litten, even though I don't like the rest of the line.
This one is between Sobble and Grookey, since I like Grookey but not Rilaboom, and I like Inteleon but I don't like Sobble. I think Sobble wins though.