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Meltan Pokemon GO

Jokemon811 Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
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Apart from the quest, currently the only way to obtain meltan is by getting a mystery box. Although I've played a lot of pokemon games, I don't actually have a nintendo switch. I tried putting Pokemon HOME on my phone but it made me jump through a series of hoops and would't let me transfer pokemon. I find this very frustrating as it makes meltan virtually impossible for me to get unless i can find someone willing to trade. What makes it even more annoying is that its 400 candy to evolve, which is ridiculous for something as rare as meltan, and it makes it way out of rare candy range. I can't even earn candy by walking as it 20 km to earn 1 candy. So there's my little rant about meltan and melmetal.



  • Jgcole83
    Jgcole83 Member Posts: 26

    Don't waste your time and money.

    I walked routes for 80 something days to obtain zygarde complete.

    I was greeted at 2k-2100 Cr by nothing but bots and people abusing glitches.

    They received a 0 rating on play store from me and many others

    For a billion dollar company that promotes pay to play they don't maintain their game as they should.

  • Jgcole83
    Jgcole83 Member Posts: 26

    Also the Mega Rayquaza raid was a joke.

    I got in to 13 different raids and had every single raid host leave.

    0/13 raids with 370 something people in q all day.

    Only people I know who got it purchased raid spots.

  • Jgcole83
    Jgcole83 Member Posts: 26

    Let me save you some time and frustration.

    I walked routes for 80 something days to get zygarde complete to pair with shadow Mewtwo and Dialga.

    At 2k-2100 Cr I was greeted with nothing but bots and people abusing glitches.

    The amount of anger and frustration that produced for me was on another level considering the time invested and the pay to play aspect of the game.

    Nintendo doesn't maintain their game as they should for a billion dollar company.

    I gave them a 0 star rating on play store along with many other customers.

    Don't waste your time and money.

  • Jokemon811
    Jokemon811 Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
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    @Jcole1217 I agree I live in a rural area and we had to get everyone in town just to defeat one raid

  • NoahLaprasForum
    NoahLaprasForum Member Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭✭
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    @Jokemon811 !!!!! Sad!!!!! I would love to give you meltans but i can’t do that bevause we never going to be 1 or more kilometers from each other!

  • Jokemon811
    Jokemon811 Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
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    That's ok. Maybe if I ever take a trip to the Netherlands.

  • SmellsOfMahogny
    SmellsOfMahogny Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I don't play Go, but I downloaded it just to catch a Meltan and transfer it up to my Home account. I ended up catching 35 extra from the new player mystery box. I do not want them, but I know to stock up on a scarce resource even if not for myself. Can I only trade these to people in Go that I'm physically near?

  • Jokemon811
    Jokemon811 Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
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    Yes unfortunately. Though it isn't meltan i need, it's the candy. I have 8 meltan from the research task, but i can't evolve them because of lack of candy, it is quite the conundrum as i need to catch them myself to earn the candy, so unless someone trades me a melmetal, i can't get one.

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 602 ✭✭✭
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    Nintendo doesn't maintain their game as they should for a billion dollar company.

    I gave them a 0 star rating on play store along with many other customers.

    nintendo doesn't make pokemon go and you can't give a 0 star rating lol. definitely not exaggerated displeasure

  • Jgcole83
    Jgcole83 Member Posts: 26

    I know you can't give them a 0 star rating.

    In my comments on the play store I gave them a 0/5 but like many others I gave them the lowest rating I could which was 1/5.