Best in this form?

What are things i can add to this? (This deck is with unreleased cards from Stellar Miracle, you can find them online)
Deck List Lapras/Cinderace
3x Fire Energy
3x Water Energy
3x Fighting Energy
4x Psychic Energy
4x Dark Energy
3x Steel Energy
2x Mist Energy
2x Nest Ball
2x Buddy-Buddy Poffin
4x Super Rod
2x Briar
4x Crispin
4x Rare Candy
2x Cook
3x Area Zero underdepths
2x Boss’ Orders
3x Scorbunny STM
3x Cinderace EX STM
3x Lapras EX STM
1x Radiant Greninja ASR
3x Tatsugiri PAR
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combining two or more Stellar Type exs is always a bad idea, if you stuck to just one and built the deck exclusively around it, it would be much better
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Also, how do you plan to get the energies on Lapras ex fast enough to use the attack?
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with Tatsugiri with “Survival Strategy”
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Huh? That tastugiri doesn't attach energies. Do you mean the Mise en place Tatsugiri from base set? Cause that one attaches energies, but it just does two waters. Plus, using a tatsugiri to get energies on lapras, then using lapras to get energies on cinder ace? that's two attacks, one with a two-prizer. Your Scorbunnies will be in danger in that time, or your opponent will just get a massive prize lead by the time you get an attacker going. It is not a good deck, trust me.