Issues with Fusion/Rapid/Single Strike Cards

I have some suggestions/issues with the different battle style cards that I'd like to share them.
First, a suggestion: in the Deck Editor/Card Collection section, we would need some ways to quickly find cards from a specific battle style. The easiest solution would be to add a Filter for the three types of cards. However, if it's not desirable to do that for a "temporary" mechanics in the meta, maybe adding the possibility to simply use the search bar with the word "rapid strike" or "single strike" to find all cards of the same style would be nice. We can currently do this, but the only thing we find is cards with explicitly mentionning the words in the description and it is not enough, especially for Pokemons.
Now an issue: when a YYYY Strike Pokémon is in play (both active or on the bench), if we click on it for more info, the HP bar hides the style of the card so we can't see what it is. Maybe making the HP info a bit out of the card would help the lisibility.
Don't hesitate to tell if you find any issues you want to share.
Well, I've just discovered my first issue isn't really one. I just didn't know how to do it :P