Why can't we...

so I just had this idea, let me run it by you all. Why don't we have an option to change the language of individual moves? I think it would be a cool learning tool to learn Japanese(kanji?) or familiarize with other languages. Or just change the spelling of a move to one we find more preferable.
Best Answer
Also I don't think move names are usually in kanji (Chinese characters used in Japanese text). They're usually in hiragana or katakana.
It would be a bit confusing for most people. Maybe an option to fully change the language would be good though, with the language option having its name shown in multiple languages so you don't get lost and unable to change the language again to one you understand.
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Pokémon games have had the option to use kanji since generation 5 and have displayed furigana (hiragana pronunciation displayed above the kanji) since generation 8. I am not sure about when Mandarin/Cantonese became available, but they would need extensive character sets.
Ironically when I started learning Japanese I hated kanji showing up but past a certain point it became a relief. Much easier to read that pure hiragana.
I think the option to change languages throughout your playthrough would be fine, because everything would be consistent throughout, but mixing and matching languages would just get confusing. Especially when languages have words with identical spelling but completely different meanings.