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gen 10 game releasing in 2026?

MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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With the meddlesome leakers claiming that the gen 10 pokemon game will come in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Pokemon Franchise. However, I would still say the much debated gen 10 game need more time to perfect because I would fear history will repeat itself as it would repeat the same mistakes as Scarlet Violet.



  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I don't understand why players resent leakers. I can understand why it is a concern for Nintendo and TPC and why they want to stop it. But unless you are part of the company I do not see how knowing more about a product you are interested in purchasing can be a detriment to you.

    That aside, Nintendo and TPC were always going to want a game out for a major anniversary. I wouldn't put it past them to re-release gen 1 in some capacity.

    In an ideal world I think Z-A would be that game and gen 10 could wait another year. But Z-A is probably in the same weird pseudo-spin-off space as PLA in the eyes of many fans, regardless of whether or not GF consider it main series.

    They need a big event. And what is bigger in the Pokémon world than a new generation with new Pokémon, a new region, new characters and, most importantly, new merchandise to purchase?

    All we can hope for is that the year off has given GF the time they need to properly develop and flesh out the games and we can maintain a healthier release cycle going forward.

    Because going back to 2-3 releases a year is not sustainable and will lead to the same problems.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,555 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    well we have to think that scarlet and violet had less development time because of the pandemic shutting down the world for a while postponing everything

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It might have had some effect, particularly on western branches and companies associated with development, but in Japan the pandemic didn't change things all that much, beyond everyone wearing masks year round instead of seasonally, cancelled public events and goofy government recommendations.

    I didn't even get a single day off work.

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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    @TheJeffers Leakers always ruin the surprise that I wouldn't be surprised. I would like to be filled with surprise and wonder.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Don't look at the leaks, then?

    For me, I would rather get as much information about a product I am considering purchasing as possible. I do not want to buy it only to find that it was not what I wanted or contained elements or practices I do not like that would ruin the game for me.

    I can appreciate that the owners of the properties want to protect them and their interests. But as a consumer I see leaks as beneficial.

  • Tacolaser
    Tacolaser Member Posts: 707 ✭✭✭
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    I liked S/V. To me, it was second only to PLA.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You can't constantly talk about wanting to work for Pokémon while not understanding why they won't delay games.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,479 ✭✭✭✭
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    i wouldn't hate leakers so much if the Pokemon community wouldn't be so gung ho about spoiling things from the games. I don't have a lot of money and every gen after 3 I have bought late. In the future I plan on getting newer games so can we agree as a community to not be as aggressive with click bait. It annoys me I have to hear about things I'm curious about but have to wait to find out in game. And the annoying part is the click bait title telling me about the thing I wouldn't have thought about otherwise.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It is difficult to balance. Once something becomes public knowledge you can't put the genie back in the bottle. And when a gaming press, influencer ecosystem and even your average fan on social media is incentivised to spread every little tidbit they know about an upcoming game far and wide, lest they miss out on the clicks, attention and ad revenue, everything learned will be everywhere yesterday.

    On the other hand, if games manufacturers were allowed to suppress the good and fun little surprises and story beats in their game, it inevitably wouldn't stop there.

    Leaks regarding problems with development, removed features, new monetisation systems and a whole host of potential controversies that the consumer should probably know before they buy, but companies will never highlight themselves in official trailers and marketing, will also be swept under the rug as journalists and commentators are inevitably gagged and prevented from sharing anything but favourable coverage.

    And less dramatically, what about the people who do not care about spoilers and simply want to know everything they can about the game as soon as possible? That's simply how they engage and have fun with a game, leading up to and including its eventual release.

    Should they be prevented from seeing leaks and spoilers because you don't want to see them? How is that any better or fairer than you being exposed to leaks you don't want to see?

    There is no easy solution that will please everyone. The best you can probably do is join spoiler free communities. But even with the best will in the world, unless you cut yourself off from the internet, perhaps even society entirely in the extremes, you risk something bleeding through.

  • YagoFuecoco
    YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 408 ✭✭✭
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    I believe that gen 10 could come in 2026, more to be commemorative in some way, we are talking exactly about the year in which Pokémon celebrates 30 years, so, I think it will come in 2026, regarding leaks, I hate it too , and I don't even look, I think the leaks take a lot of the fun out of the surprise, I was happy that there wasn't a remake of Unova this year exactly so as not to spoil the surprise of what was really coming, Pokémon Legends Z-A, and I'm even avoiding leaks from Pokémon Legends Z-A so as not to spoil the surprise we're going to have in this game, I like to theorize more than follow leaks, I love Pokémon a lot, and I'm very optimistic about Pokémon Legends Z-A and Gen 10, which I feel like these two games will Somehow they will be very special.