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Improved starter decks

TheLostSigma Member Posts: 1

I've been playing the hisuian zoroark vSTAR deck and was wondering if there was any way to improve it, or play a deck thats similar, just cause i like the feel


  • DBO207
    DBO207 Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

    Yes go over N use your trainer cards in particular more often and take the time to spend on going through all of the upgrades and charms you can put on!!

  • nightblitz42
    nightblitz42 Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
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    Honestly the Hisuian Zoroark starter deck is close to optimal. If you want you could go -3 Buddy Poffin, -2 Jet Energy, +1 Radiant Alakazam, +1 Squawkabilly ex, +1 Maximum Belt (or Prime Catcher), +2 Gift Energy. That could be a way to add a bit more options to your gameplay.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @nightblitz42 Forgive me if this sounds rude, but why would adding a Radiant Alakazam help? He wants to move the damage on his pokemon, not his opponents. Are you suggesting he use it as a damage booster for if the opponent has two damage from a gapejaw bog?

  • nightblitz42
    nightblitz42 Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
    25 Likes 5 Answers 10 Comments First Anniversary

    @OlderAngel11 Yes, that's part of it. The main idea is that Zoroark does at most 300 damage, but the opponent may be using Pokemon that have more than 300 HP like Charizard's 330. Since that's the case, it's a good idea to try and establish 30 dmg early onto the opponent's Charmanders and set up OHKOs that way.

    Gapejaw bog is one way to set up those damage counters. But aside from that, there are going to be times where you KO a Pokemon in 2 hits because Dodrio or Zoroark just don't manage to reach the proper damage values for a OHKO. Perhaps the opponent even retreats after the first hit, forcing you to chase after their Pokemon. In those situations, it's usually possible to move excess Damange Counters away from the wounded Pokemon and still leave them in range for a Knockout on the following hit.