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does anyone else experience really weird matchmaking? There's a bunch of bugs and so many quality of life things missing from the game so I doubt there is an algorithm that matches you based on elo, rank and what deck your playing. But the amount of times I play a weird deck and get paired into probably the one person playing the same archetype or play control and get matched into the other person playing control but teched for the mirror or just what feels like the worst possible matchup I could face is far more than I think it would randomly happen. There does seem to be an elo that is prioritized before rank because I never play against people under me but only get faced against arceus and high master ball even when I'm in low ultra ball. It could be because everyone is a higher rank, idk. As well as certain combinations of cards in a deck seem to lead to almost always drawing the same cards. All this combined is just really weird to me and I play at least 5 games a day but never more than 10 so it's definitely not the most. The game just doesn't even come close to capturing how fun it is in real life when playing online. Idk if anyone else has noticed this or if my small sample just makes things seem weirder than they are