Who makes the Pokedex entries in each iteration?

It's a question asked many times, but it's one of those things that's glossed over my head and now has me thinking again. (I know I put this in the videogame section, but that's because most of Pokemon involving the dex is the videogames). I figure we should have a thread for it on the official forums too of all places.
Other than in the anime, you have to actually see the Pokemon to be able to get an (incomplete) entry on it, just marking its *number and that it exists. Naturally, you have to have caught or obtained one to get its whole entry. So who's making the entries? Obviously it isn't the player (in most cases?) making the dex, so I'm not sure why anyone needs to complete it persay (not that I don't love doing so ; I also want to say Rotom does the entries after a certain point but IDR, correct me if I'm wrong). Should we treat it like a bird field-guide you unlock the info to? Theories pleasantly accepted, official info is even better. 🕵️ Correct me anywhere I'm wrong/not completely right.
(*Likewise, numbering them implies that whoever made it knows how many other Pokemon exist in at least each respective region already.)
its my opinion that the ordering by number is purely for the player and organizations sake. But maybe it could be a science in the pokemon universe and they have mapped out which species exist by some powers of pokemon found, kind of like we see gravitation and can tell when something exists in the cosmos.
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That does make sense @clasingla
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@clasingla I don't wanna say that's the answer, but I also don't wanna say that it isn't, since that's the best thing I can think of at the moment. If the Pokeball is uploading the info into a database, that doesn't explain who's making the entries still - or does imply that it'd be the player, which I have doubts about. I guess it'd be akin to seeing, let's say Charmander from afar. You can see that it's a Fire-type and what it looks like, but not quite any particular details about it. As usual everyone, feel free to disagree with me or point out other possibilites.
That also (for me anyway) that raises the question of how a person would know what other areas a Pokemon appears in or not upon seeing it if they haven't been in an area yet, or even seen the Pokemon themselves. Like let's just say when you fight Hydreigon at the end of B/W and it gets the incomplete dex entry, how would in—universe the player know that it doesn't appear in the wild? (Using Hydreigon as an example because I highly doubt anyone at that point has Hydreigon without grinding like all heck.)
Also as you can tell by my posts at this point, I overanalyze things to all heck.