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Can anyone tell me what the advantage is to conceding vs just taking the loss?



  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Puddlejumper3k TheJeffers was not associating those ideas to you in any way, he was just saying that he has seen a lot of people do that. All he said about you was: "You seem to infer a lot in the way of the motives of your opponent." and then he said to stop worrying about what your opponent was doing. It seems to me like you're the one who didn't even read it and is making assumptions. And clearly you don't "have no concern either way" and you did not "make the post to see if there was a tangible reason for doing this", as you said in the original post, "It's hilarious that these sore losers can't be an adult and just take the loss like a man." You are directly insulting people, it is not simply a "wanting to understand" situation. They are not "rage quitting", no matter what you say, and they do just want to get to the next match faster, it does save plenty of time by not watching the "all prize cards taken" animation that takes forever.

  • BlazeRayna
    BlazeRayna Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
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    @OlderAngel11 interesting take.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    why are you making assumptions about why I asked? That's pretty arrogant. It's like you didn't even read it. My advice to you: don't make assumptions about why other people ask questions. Ask them what they mean.

    My advice was simply to stop trying to read so much ill will into the motives of your opponent, especially when you are winning. Don't concern yourself with it. A win is a win. Seeking the negative even in your own success will bring you no joy.

    You say others are sore losers? Not an arrogant assumption on your part, of course. But are you familiar, perhaps, with the concept of a sore winner?

  • BlazeRayna
    BlazeRayna Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
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    I find it interesting that the portion of my question that is being focused on is my opinion of the rage quitting. The whole point of my post was to ask WHY this was being done, as both the headline and comment both focused on that subject. It was a legitimate question whether you want to agree or not.

    Also, my opinion that it is done intentionally is equally valid. The less than 4 seconds saved by not watching a card draw is not an adequate reason enough to concede. My conclusion, no matter how you see it, is that it is done out of spite. If less than 4 seconds is really that valuable to you then might I suggest a different game that doesn't take so much time out of you day that 4 seconds makes so much of a difference.

    The opinion that I am focusing on the motives of others is an inaccurate assessment. Again, if that is all you are taking away from my question, then that really say more about you than it does me.

  • BlazeRayna
    BlazeRayna Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
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    @OlderAngel11 ,

    "You are directly insulting people"

    Who exactly am I insulting "directly" if they, as you say, not not actually rage quitting? If this is not actually being done as you suggest, then no one is the target of my statement. And how exactly is it "directly"? I have not mentioned any names in my original post. It's it that you are doing it and feel I am targeting you? If that is the case, then I obviously was not writing in the first place.

    For you to feel that you are of such high moral caliber that you can think to chastise me over my assessment is arrogant. Just because you do not agree does not mean I'm wrong.

    And like my previous reply, if that is what you choose to focus on, then maybe you need to look at why YOU are focusing on that instead of my reasons for asking the question.

    You are no better than anyone else here. We all have our own thoughts and opinions. We can disagree without you thinking you have some moral high ground.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    "You are no better than anyone else here. We all have our own thoughts and opinions. We can disagree without you thinking you have some moral high ground." This is absolutely, one-hundred percent correct. And in no way did I say that I was above you all. You are indefinitely entitled to your own thoughts and opinions, and you may disagree with me in any way that you please. Me thinking something does not make it true, this is correct. What you are not paying attention to is that I am not actually saying any of those things.

    "Who exactly am I insulting "directly" if they, as you say, not not actually rage quitting? If this is not actually being done as you suggest, then no one is the target of my statement." This is an incredibly confusing statement— and I am not trying to insult you by saying that— but I do believe it to be flawed in several ways. One: It is as insulting to say that someone is "rage quitting" whether or not they are actually doing it. By even suggesting that they might be rage quitting, you are implying— not directly stating, I understand— that they are a sore loser who cannot take a loss.

    I cannot speak for everyone, only for myself, but when I concede at the last minute it is simply to save time, no matter what you might say about "four seconds". I agree that some people might be spiteful when doing it, but that is not my intent.

    And to answer your question, no, there is no advantage gained by conceding other than when you wish to save time.

  • BlazeRayna
    BlazeRayna Member Posts: 52 ✭✭✭
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    You stated that I was directly insulting someone. If I was not mentioning any specific accounts, then I was not "directly insulting" anyone. You just took offense to it. The concedes I was referencing were specifically as I was laying the final card.

    "You are indefinitely entitled to your own thoughts and opinions" - Obviously not or we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. You feel your opinions are superior and anyone who says something you don't agree with, they are automatically wrong. I've read your posts.

    "when I concede at the last minute it is simply to save time". So because you didn't have ill intent then no one else does? Ok. That's anecdotal. I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have spoken to others who notice this same pattern.

    "And to answer your question, no, there is no advantage gained by conceding other than when you wish to save time."- this is incorrect. I have tested it. Conceding gives their opponent less points. You can disagree with this, but that does not mean that I'm wrong. I have tested it.

    Listen, I get it. You've been here longer than I have, but that does not give you the authority to tell others that what they have experienced didn't happen or that their opinions are not valid. You do not get to decide for others what we can and cannot question when it comes to this game.

    Have a nice day.

  • Mod_Skrilla
    Mod_Skrilla Member Posts: 325 ✭✭✭
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    edited May 2024 #19

    Hello Trainers,

    This thread has become non-constructive. For that reason, I will be closing the thread down.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The opinion that I am focusing on the motives of others is an inaccurate assessment.

    Can anyone tell me what the advantage is to conceding vs just taking the loss?

    Though you did not use the word motive, surely any advantage we could identify would be a potential motive. The first thing I did in my response was list several advantages.

    The less than 4 seconds saved by not watching a card draw is not an adequate reason enough to concede. My conclusion, no matter how you see it, is that it is done out of spite.

    I am glad you are not focusing on a motive like spite. No focus on motives here. We are simply delusional and vindictive.

    But okay, let's assume that 4 seconds is the maximum amount of time saved. That adds up. Is that not a benefit? A motive? Small though it may be.

    Listen, I get it. You've been here longer than I have, but that does not give you the authority to tell others that what they have experienced didn't happen or that their opinions are not valid. You do not get to decide for others what we can and cannot question when it comes to this game.

    Your ability never to assume or imply the motives of others remains impeccable.

    Conceding gives their opponent less points.

    Finally, the crux of your argument. Something actionable.

    Maybe we could have saved time spent arguing about the potential advantages of conceding, which you made the title of your thread, despite your foregone conclusion that there are none, and you could have opened the thread with it?

    Presumably your solution would be to give the winner the same points regardless of whether their opponent conceded or not, yes? Just a flat bonus for a win across the board?

This discussion has been closed.