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Card Redemption Missing Items - 03.07.22

TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 298 admin
250 Likes Third Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Agrees

Hello, Trainers!

A bit of good news about code card redemptions that happened over the weekend: the team was able to identify players who had redeemed codes and received errors with the items they received.

As a result, players affected received missing items based on what should have been awarded initially. Some of you may have already seen these items appear in your inventory this past weekend.

Thank you again for your patience and all the feedback provided.


  • Fullmetalsam30
    Fullmetalsam30 Member Posts: 0

    What about players that reported/encountered issue with code redemption before the weekend ???

    I reported an issue on Friday (through a support ticket) - and I haven't received my missing items.

  • sdrawkcab190
    sdrawkcab190 Member Posts: 12
    5 Agrees First Comment First Anniversary

    Thank you for keeping us updated!

  • magikarpex
    magikarpex Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees Photogenic

    Received most of the stuff I had redeemed. Still didn't get the Vivid Voltage build and battle boxes (Redeemed before the weekend) and the Brilliant Stars build and battle boxes (Redeemed during the weekend)

  • OpTicDemiDemon
    OpTicDemiDemon Member Posts: 0

    I am still missing 10s of thousands of Credits from botched Code Redemptions. I redeemed codes at the start of the Beta. Still haven't recieved the missing credits. How would I go about rectifying that?

  • Tumoney
    Tumoney Member Posts: 0

    Hi . I Lost near 10k crédits, due redeem packs

  • SplendaDaddyy
    SplendaDaddyy Member Posts: 0

    Still missing my codes

  • TPCi_CursedSoup
    TPCi_CursedSoup Administrator Posts: 298 admin
    250 Likes Third Anniversary 100 Comments 25 Agrees

    For those who still seem to be missing things from their inventory or still experiencing issues with code redemption, please make sure you're submitting these to our support team here - https://bit.ly/3J8Rd9j

    Definitely provide details on what codes you tried to redeem, what items you're missing, and your screen name of course!