Follow up Question on Expanded Format

I am wondering when the full expanded card set will be available for the expanded beta casuals mode as the game mode is basically redundant at the moment with most if not all of the decent decks being unable to be played in their full capacity due to card restrictions. I also would be interested in when i will even be able to test my expanded decks as currently this is not even an option either.
may i just add that any sort of response from devs would be amazing, standard format both in casual and ranked is disturbingly boring right now playing vs Mew VMAX every single game.
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I’ve noticed standard improving. Still a lot of mew and arceus, but players are branching out and trying different things.
As for expanded… have you guys even been able to get a match?? I’ve tried several times and left it waiting for half hour+ and havnt managed to get a single expanded game going, let alone worry about a deck.
I think they may be using the opportunity to try and push more players into standard. I myself played almost entirely expanded on PTCGO and have been quite surprised at how the current setup brought me into the current meta. that said, I too would like them to hurry up with expanded. If it weren’t for a few bucks blown on celebrations codes, I’m not sure I’d be half as enthused trying to cobble together something the way the format is right now.