daily thoughts on pokemon #11

Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
todays thought is on delcatty i kind of like delcatty and really want to try the move assist but i feel like its ability is definitaly something non desirable normalize makes all its attacks useless against ghost types
It's cute, I like it because Skitty is a cool Pokémon. It's sad that they made it so weak for a Pokémon that evolves with a stone (a Moon Stone too, which is rarer than other stones).
If a Pokémon evolves with a stone, it should have good stats to excuse not being able to learn moves through level up… but nope, 70 is its highest base stat, and its base stat total? Less than a starter's middle evolution, of course!
What was the Pokémon company thinking.