Your Dark Type Gym and Pokemon

If you were an Dark type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your Pokémon be.
My team would consist of Incineroar, Alolan Muk, Greninja, Pangoro, Crawdaunt, and Sableye. I would be Police Officer and also have a Houndour walks with me. The challenge would be to find the culprit that destroyed something.
This is the 12th installment in this series. The previous types that we have done include Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, Bug, Rock, Ghost, and Dragon. Make sure to go back and comment on those if you missed them!
my gym challenge would be a maze but its pitch black and you can see nothing at all and controls are inverted i would be the 5th gym my team would be sneasel scraggy morepeko and the ace umbreon my rematch team would consist of weavile scrafty absol umbreon spiritomb and zoroark
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i like the idea of a dark gym being dark. So mine would be a dark tunnel with a light at the end of it. When you get about half way you don't get closer to the light. Instead you need to turn around and go towards the darkness to progress towards the next room. In the next room there is a Charmander at the entrance and when you talk to him he starts walking slowly in an "S" shape towards the end of the room. If you exit the light area the Charmander is making you face a "horror" trainer. Reaching the end of the room you see the gym leader. They're a pale thin man with sunken eyes. You start the battle with them and notice dark aura. Dark type attacks are buffed! They have an Absol, a new dark type with serene grace and air slash, Honchkrow(with foul play and Moxie), and a regional form of Floette that is a dark/fairy type. After a hard battle your Pokemon are exhausted and you rush to the nearest Pokemon center to heal them. Yeah, that's about it.