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Game should have more updates more frequently


I want to address some problems with Unite, one of them is that the game lacks content. Yes they add new Pokemon and features like improved UI, but it is not enough. A few days after each update, the game becomes stale again as if it hasn't been updated. The content is lacking. The balance patches are rare (and they do not often change the meta, which also makes UNITE and its gameplays bland). The people that are mostly affected by this problem are the content creators. Without new content refreshing, they will lack ideas on how to make their businesses thrive. I want to suggest on solving this issue, by requesting more frequent and more complete updates. Please consider improving the UIs, add more engaging features that can help players to enjoy the game more, bring more new Pokemon to the roster, add more current Pokemon to be rebalanced for a very harmonic and shifting meta, all while the updates are fast and delivered frequently. Thank you.
