favorite Pokemons

what your favorite pokemon
what your guys favorite pokemon my favorite is slowpoke
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Absol, Meowth, Evee and Marshadow.😂
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Holy…. whats that?
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@Tacolaser we both like grass starter with my top 4 being Decidueye, Darkria , armarouge and ceruledge.
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Delphox. I would write like 3 or 4 paragraphs on why it's underrated and how people who prefer Braixen are creepy the more you think about why they dislike it and if they dislike other Pokémon in similar situations for similar reasons (they do not. They only Pokémon they say is too far from its pre-evolution or ugly or has horrible fashion sense is Delphox. I've seen no one insult Drowzee for its ugly poop-coloured pants and the wave pattern between its pee coloured self and its pants, or Wartortle and Blastoise for only being similar in their colour and irl species. A lot of them "really like Braixen" and are mad that Delphox doesn't look like Gardevoir or Lopunny or feminine Pokémon that are designed to be "liked." I think we should be allowed to have a feminine Pokémon that's just designed to look cool. Please), but I won't this time (nevermind one moment after writing that I decided to write something in brackets and I couldn't stop myself)
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Mine is Cinderace XD
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Alakazam of course