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Anyone Else Have Trouble With Pokemon Sleep's Tracking?


I've recently been having a lot of trouble getting the Go Plus+ to accurately track my sleep. I'm a fairly active sleeper, so I rarely stay in "Slumber" for very long. Most of the time I'm "Snoozing" or "Dozing", and I move a lot in my sleep. On top of that, I have cats, so they definitely skew the results from time to time.

I find it confusing and a little irritating that pushing the button when I wake up isn't the actual end point of tracking my sleep. I understand having something in place in the event that someone forgets to turn tracking off, but at the very least we should be able to tell the device when we actually woke up, instead of it deciding for us.

I've had several days in a row where it will track at most 3.5 hours of sleep, when I know for a fact I slept for closer to 8 hours. This app has a lot of promise, and I feel like it can actually help insomniacs like myself get an accurate gauge of our sleeping habits, but as it is now, it's not doing that.