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Pokémon Red (original not FireRed) Trade

I want a Farfetch'd, I have a Spearow to trade in Vermilion City but this child is giving me a Mr. Mime, and the trade on Route 2 that gives me a Mr Mime gives me a Dewgong instead. What is going on? I probably can't swear here, so I won't.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 50 Answers 250 Likes

    How exactly are you playing the game?

    Is it an original cartridge? If so, it is possible something may have become corrupted on the old hardware.

    Did you download a rom from somewhere? If so, someone may have changed the trade data as some kind of joke or for a randomised novelty playthrough.