Mythical bracket #4
Meloetta vs celebi i know my favorite will lose (sigh)
Need some advice on how to approach a playthrough/this series, random questions
I played Pokemon when I was younger and kind of brute-forced my way through, not really strategizing much and I just played to beat the gyms and whatnot. Now that I'm older and getting back into it, I want to play with more care and thought. I'm playing Pokemon Sword and I'm almost to the second gym, and I guess I should…
Your Flying Type Gym and Pokemon
If you were an Flying type gym leader what would your gym be like and what would your pokemon be. My team would consist of Gliscor, Dodrio, Noivern, Swoobat, Archeops, and Flemigo. I would be a splunker and your challange is to get through a cave system without hitting anything while riding on Noivern. This is the eighth…
Bracket #2 Match 9, Best Paldea Pokemon Of All Time : Forums Edition
Time for the thingy things. -Gagarnacl Line -Arboliva Line Choose wisely, folks!
Bracket #2 Match #8, Best Paldea Pokemon Of All Time : Forums Edition
Time for the MUTTS of the competition (Not that I hate mutts) -Scovillan Line -Rabsca Line These guys are doomed to lose anyways, so vote if you want. :|
Bracket #2 Match #7, Best Paldea Pokemon Of All Time : Forums Edition
Battle of the Round Bois -Cetitan Line -Clodsire Line Choose your favorite round boi now! (on the list, at least. Spheal on top!)
Mythical bracket #2
Jirachi vs victini the wish Pokémon vs the victory Pokémon two of my favorite mythicals I am curious who is going to win
Favorite theme (games)
This could be route themes battle themes or other themes from the games my pick is definitely meloettas song I loved hearing it when I found meloetta in the dlc and Is the reason meloetta is on my team
Old Pokémon you have?
I did play Pokémon a lot as a little kid but the save files I had were always finished, so the first mon I remember getting by myself was a Litten when I learnt how to reset and resetted a finished copy of Pokémon Sun and Moon I got recently at the time. I unfortunately lost the cartridge a few years ago, along with a lot…
If you were a Trainer in the Pokemon World, what would a Pokédex entry of one your pokemon be?
This one is pretty fun to me. I was always a fan of how cool Mews pokedex entry read in FireRed, making it sound really old and whatnot. To keep that Spirit. I thought I'd quickly write one for my Sceptile with a similar style. *It is said that this Sceptile was once owned by a Legendary Trainer that could do anything with…